Mortgage Originators: FHA Delays Collection Payoff Rule

April 8, 2012 | Posted by Blair Warner | No Comments

  FHA Delays Implementation of Collection Payoff Rule

Looks like the public outcry has FHA rethinking their position. Note in bold–wording regarding seeking additional input.

Posted as an FHA notice late April 6:

In order to allow Mortgagees additional time to adapt their procedures to implement portions of the new guidance found in Mortgagee Letter 2012-03 (ML 2012-03), FHA is delaying the effective date of the following topics from ML 2012-03:

Handling of Disputed Accounts, Public Records FHA Total User Guide Chapter 2, and
Handbook 4155.1 4.C.2.e, Paying off Collections and Judgments.

The new effective date of this section is delayed until July 1, 2012. Prior to the effective date, FHA intends to seek additional input on this section and work to clarify guidance, as appropriate.

The Mortgagee Letter and FHA Total Scorecard User Guide will be updated and posted to HUD’s website on Monday April 9, 2012. Please Note: With this extension, any case numbers assigned prior to July 1, 2012 are subject to the previous guidance in effect for the subject topics.

From OriginationPro Blog Post April 7, 2012:

This means we have 3 more months to get more loans closed. It also means there is more time to come up with a workable plan for implementing the new rulings once they do come into effect.

Best to you!

By Blair Warner
I am on Google+

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How Are FICO Scores Determined?

March 28, 2012 | Posted by Blair Warner | 2 Comments

There are five factors that contribute to determining your credit score:

    Payment History
    Amount Owed (ratio)
    Length of Credit History
    Taking on More Debt (Inquiries)
    Types of Credit in Use

1. How you pay your bills – Your credit history (35 percent of the score)
This is the most important factor; how you’ve paid your bills in the past, with the strongest emphasis on recent activity (2 years or less.) Paying all your bills on time is good. Paying them late is not, and particularly on a consistent basis. Few things hurt your score as heavily as past due payments. Having accounts that were sent to collections is even worse. Declaring bankruptcy is the worst. Think long and hard before filing for bankruptcy. It most cases, it simply isn’t worth it.

2. Your debt to your available credit ratio (30 percent)
The second most important area is your outstanding debt — how much money you owe on unsecured and secured loans, with emphasis on revolving credit. Revolving credit is credit cards, and lines of credit. Installment loans include car loans, personal loans, mortgages, etc.). The ratio of available credit to debt (account balance) is an important ratio. Try to keep the ratio of available credit to credit used, also called utilization ratio, below 30%.

Some underwriters place importance on the total amount of credit you have available. If you have 10 credit cards that each have $5,000 credit limits, that’s $50,000 of available credit. Statistically, people who have a lot of credit available tend to use it, which makes them a less attractive credit risk. However, please note, this is less important to FICO’s credit score algorithm.

3. Length of credit history (15 percent)
The third consideration is the length of your credit history. The longer you’ve had credit — particularly if it’s with the same credit issuers — the more points you’ll get.

4. Types/Mix of credit (10 percent)
The best scores will have a mix of both revolving credit, such as credit cards, and installment credit, such as mortgages and car loans. “Statistically, consumers with a richer variety of experiences are better credit risks,” Watts says. “They know how to handle money.”

5. New credit applications – Also called inquiries (10 percent)
The final category is how many credit applications you’re filling out, called intquiries. The scoring model compensates for people who are rate shopping for the best mortgage or car loan rates, but not for revolving type loans, payday loans, etc. The only time shopping really hurts your score is when you have previous recent credit stumbles, such as late payments or bills sent to collections.

It is our greatest desire that our blog posts are helpful to you. Your comments and thoughts are welcome.

By Blair Warner
Google Plus Profile

Upgrade My Credit Home Page

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How To Set Goals

February 29, 2012 | Posted by Blair Warner | 1 Comment

Today’s Blog Post comes by way of Dr. Daisy Sutherland, the Founder/CEO
Dr. Mommy Online

Goals are something we as individuals all have. Some may have achieved their goals while others are still determining what their goals are or how they can achieve them. Everyone knows the importance of not only having goals for your health, business or life in general but how many are actually taking the next step of writing them down.”~ Dr. Daisy Sutherland

Goal setting and planning are a crucial part of any successful financial planning and debt management, so we thought it would be helpful to share some tips.

Here Are 5 Tips Dr. Sutherland mentions in her article:

  1. Start with a positive mental attitude (PMA)
  2. Details are Essential
  3. Be realistic
  4. Write your goals on paper
  5. Determine a time frame

Read full article here…

Avoid These Goal-Setting Mistakes

Hope you gained something from our post, even though it is not specifically related to credit issues.

Blair Warner – Founder and Sr. Credit Consultant

Check out my Google Plus Profile

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25 Tips for Effective Communication

June 21, 2011 | Posted by Blair Warner | 1 Comment

Marketing is many things, one of them being a form of communications. The same is true of advertising. Ad great Fairfax Cone once said, “Advertising is what you do when you can’t go to see somebody. That’s all it is.” But what about the times when you can go see somebody? Here’s how to make the most of those golden moments:

1. Be the first to say hello.

2. Take risks and don’t anticipate rejection.

3. Tell other about the important events in your life.

4. Show others you’re a good listener; restate their comments in different words.

5. Be able to tell others what you do in a few short sentences.

6. Use eye contact and smiles on your contacts with people.

7. Greet people you see regularly — even if you don’t know them.

8. Seek common goals, interests and experiences with the people you meet.

9. Let others play the expert.

10. Become enthusiastic about the interests of other people.

11. Balance the giving and receiving of information.

12. Be open to the feelings and opinions of others.

13. Express your feelings, opinions and emotions to others.

14. Don’t use the word “you” when you really mean “I.”

15. Ask people for their opinions.

16. Look for the positive in the people you meet.

17. Ask people about things they told you in previous conversations

18. Change the topic of c conversation when it has run its course.

19. Compliment others on what they’re wearing, doing or saying — if true.

20. When you tell a story, present the main point first, then add the details.

21. Be aware of open and closed body language.

22. Make an effort to help people if you can.

23. Accept a person’s right to be an individual.

24. Go out of your way to meet new people.

25. Be tolerant of others’ beliefs if you don’t agree with them.

Adapted from Jay Levenson
The Father of Guerrilla Marketing
Author, “Guerrilla Marketing” series of books

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Good Article: How to Wreck Your Credit Score

May 6, 2011 | Posted by Blair Warner | No Comments

Sometimes we run across good articles we want to pass on. Here is a good one worth reading about how to wreck your credit scores. Of course, the opposite is assumed for how to build good credit scores.

Happy reading…….How to Wreck Your Credit Score

Upgrade My Credit

What is credit repair anyway?

May 1, 2011 | Posted by Blair Warner | No Comments

It seems like a new business networking group springs up every week. This last week, I was asked to join a new group by the name of Cup of Coffee Networkers. From what I can tell, it is primarily an online group, so I am still trying to figure out how this avid coffee-drinking connoisseur is going to get his cup of coffee. Actually, I think the goal is to start online and then organize groups offline step by step. Are they going to meet at coffee shops?

All humor aside, it is a fact that business networking groups are the in thing these days. A popular one that I personally attend is Netweavers– SAKM Netweavers (South Arlington, Kennedale, Mansfield) . You are probably asking “what does this have to do with the title ‘What is credit repair anyway?'” Well, I am glad you asked. One of the key components of any networking group is to meet with other members one-on-one in order to get to know each other and their respective businesses better. Without fail, whenever I do a one-on-one with someone they either ask “what is credit repair anyway?” or, “so, how does credit repair work?”. That is the question I am waiting for them to ask. I love to answer it.

Credit repair in a nutshell:

The first step is to obtain your credit reports and get them to us. Once we’ve received your credit reports, we will analyze your credit history to identify items that are responsible for bringing your credit score down – including not having enough current positive credit.

Upgrade Your Credit

We will recommend and provide ways to increase your score, as well as draft letters to dispute the negative items on your behalf. Upgrade My Credit’s letters are expertly designed such that credit bureaus will accept the dispute and conduct an investigation.

A disputed credit listing must be verified as accurate and within the correct time constraints for it to remain on the credit report. If the credit listings contain an error, the credit bureau may simply correct the item, but, very often, disputed credit items cannot be verified because either the creditor no longer possesses necessary information or does not to go to the effort of verifying it. Furthermore, the investigation must be completed within 30 days or the listing must be removed. For these reasons, properly disputed credit listings are removed from your credit report with remarkable frequency.

At the conclusion of the credit bureau’s investigation, a new copy of the credit report is sent to you along with any deletions or improvements. You then provide us with a copy of the new credit report and the cycle repeats itself at strategic intervals and according to a personalized plan for reaching your goals.

The above process can be done DIY (Do it yourself), as the laws used by Upgrade My Credit and all credit restoration companies were written for the consumer. However, for some reason, the government did not write the laws consumer-user friendly. And, just like we need a CPA or even have someone mow the lawn for us, often times, it is more efficient and quicker to let a professional help.

In addition to credit repair, Upgrade My Credit offers many more financial and credit services to help you build and manage your financial future well, such as personal budgeting help, debt reduction programs, classes and workshops, bankruptcy counseling, etc.

Well, that is it in a nutshell. Hope it has answered the question “what is credit repair?”.

Here’s to your financial future!

Blair Warner – Founder and Sr. Credit Consultant

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Personal Finance Tip: “think about tomorrow”

March 27, 2011 | Posted by Blair Warner | 1 Comment

Fleetwood Mac, in their 1976 song “Don’t Stop,” urged listeners not to stop “thinking about tomorrow” because  it would“soon be here.”

Fleetwood Mac’s top five albums alone have sold over 55 million copies. Needless to say, over the years, Mick Fleetwood made a ton of money. However, during all that time, he really didn’t “think about tomorrow.” As fast as the money came in, it went out. By 1984, he was bankrupt.

How does all this relate to you? If you’re like most people, you can probably spend money without thinking about it, but you can’t save money without thinking about it. For Mick Fleetwood, that certainly was the case. Saving isn’t a natural event. It must be planned.

Planning and budgeting require control. Financial planning involves looking into the future, facing financial reality and the sacrifices that it  brings, and taking action. Financial restraint isn’t as much fun as spending with reckless abandon, but it’s a lot more fun than winding up broke. The fact is that the rewards of taking financial control are worth the sacrifices. Just ask Mick Fleetwood- he has finally started “thinking about tomorrow.”

It is not directly related to credit repair, but managing your credit and debt well is a major part of planning for your future financial well being.

Hope it helped.

Blair Warner – Credit Expert

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What Is Your Story?

February 17, 2011 | Posted by Blair Warner | 3 Comments

I met with a past client the other day whose story inspired me, and I want to share it with you toward that same end — that you will be inspired. At the beginning of this story this person was in her late 30’s, had 3 children (not 2.3) and a hard-working, devoted husband. Things were rolling along uneventful, so to speak, when her husband was suddenly killed, almost instantly, when hit by a speeding car while checking the mail. Needless to say, her life was turned upside down and very challenging on many fronts for a while. Fortunately, Spring comes after Winter, and she is well on her way to a happy ending.

continue story           Click “return to original post” to return here..

what is your credit story? Everyone has a story. In fact, it is your story that makes you unique. Stories offer the listener a new perspective, new experience, even a new adventure of sorts, while at the same time often sounding a ring of familiarity to each one of us as a common member of the human race. That’s why it is said “everyone LOVES a story” — and stories are not just for children. Look at how many movies and novels are pumped out every year. It is also said that “‘everyone has a story”. What is your story? Have you thought about what you would share with someone if you had 5-10 min to share a story of your life in a way that would leave the listeners …… kind of a “Personal Chicken Soup”? Of course, there are stories of the personal, private nature. I am not asking for stories reserved for those closest to us, but for those that if shared will inspire and encourage. Inspire us! Share it as a comment.

At Upgrade My Credit we get to hear, and be a part of many people’s stories as they come to us with credit, debt and budget problems affecting their financial lives and futures. It is our privilege to help.


By Blair Warner

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2011 – still a good time to buy a house! Prepare now!

January 2, 2011 | Posted by Blair Warner | 1 Comment

Well, another year is upon us. I remember last year everyone saying “Let’s Win in 2010!”. Did you win? I’ve been thinking of a slogan for 2011, and the only one I can come up with is “2011 is made in Heaven!”. If you can think of any share it with us.

2011 marks 4 years since the announcement of the end of sub-prime lending, and 3 years since the whole mortgage and real estate industry turned upside down. Many changes have taken place, and this year will see the last of them implemented, for the most part. What does that mean for us. First, it will mark the beginning of a semblance of stability, and people like stability. Most of us like predictability with a dash of adventure, not the other way around. I believe this feeling that things are becoming more stable and predictable again will trigger the move into trying new things again, which is what America needs at the moment.

Hopefully, one of the movements we will see as confidence increases is home buying–especially by first time home buyers. This is still a good time to buy!  Rates may go up a bit, but will still hover around 5%, which is a whole percent lower than I got in 2002 for my current house.

If you are thinking about buying a home this year, first get your credit and debt situation worked out. There is no use of looking at houses with your Realtor if you are not sure if you qualify for a home loan. Upgrade My Credit specializes in helping people improve their credit and lower their debt so that they can get a home loan. This can be your year! Give us a call.

Best to you,


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Strategic Partnerships

December 16, 2010 | Posted by Blair Warner | No Comments

The following is an article on strategic partnerships by Donnie Keller of Reata Realty. Strategic partnership, referral partner, affiliate, it is called by many names, but it all boils down to working together toward success that better serves the customer.

Strategic partnerships article link

Happy reading, and if you want to explore partnering with Upgrade My Credit, see our Affiliate Area.

Upgrade My Credit

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Credit Reports, Credit Repair, credit counseling, Credit Restoration, Credit Cards, Credit Score, Debt Settlement, build credit, debt, foreclosure, identity theft, medical bills, free credit repair, bankruptcy, Credit Repair Fort Worth, Credit Repair Arlington, Credit Repair Dallas, Credit Repair Plano, Credit Repair North Richland Hills, Credit Repair Mansfield, Credit Repair Kennedale,